Clean Fairfax is committed to the 5 R’s of sustainability — refusereduce, reuse, recycle and rot. Each method has its own purpose and place in the sustainability toolkit. Together, they comprise a way of living that is increasingly being referred to as “zero waste.”  Ideally, zero waste means not creating any waste at all, but more practically, zero waste is a lifestyle in which one adopts steps toward reducing personal waste and minimizing environmental impact. It’s incredibly difficult to achieve a truly zero waste lifestyle, but it’s the effort that makes someone a zero waste aficionado.

Are you interested in joining the zero waste movement? There’s a ton of information on the subject — some of it good and some not so good. We recommend you begin with Reddit’s ZeroWaste sub-reddit. This community is 55,000 people strong and covers just about everything under the umbrella of sustainability. Looking for a one-stop-shop? ZeroWaste’s How Do I Get Started will show you the ropes. Good luck!